Lengkapkan pendaftaran sebagai ONLINE TRANSLATOR REGISTRATION

Periksa dahulu senarai LATEST TRANSLATION JOBS -> https://linggoworld.blogspot.com/p/blog-page_22.html

Kemudian ikuti langkah dibawah untuk melengkapkan pendaftaran sebagai Penterjemah Online 
/ Then follow the steps below to complete your registration as Online Translator:

Step 1:

Sila bank-in RM69 (yuran pendaftaran) ke akaun Maybank : 
ATAU CIMB : 7025890979 (bank lain sila guna Interbank crosstransfer)
* Bayaran pendaftaran ini adalah untuk sewaan database - dimana info anda dipaparkan untuk pelanggan semak credential anda ~ samada anda benar benar translator Linggoworld
* Bayaran ini hanya sekali seumur hidup & t
idak ada Refund 
*Akaun bank adalah akaun persendirian bendahari LinggoWorld


Sekiranya tidak mampu membayar yuran pendaftaran, anda boleh Bypass Yuran ini dengan mengambil Ujian Terjemahan Bahasa Melayu disini

Please transfer RM69 (Registration Fee) via PayPal or Card below :
* This is a Payment to be in our database list - which the client will use to verify your LinggoWorld credential.
* This payment is only once in a lifetime & shall not be refunded.


If you can't afford this fee, you may skip it by taking Chinese Translation Test here.

Step 2:

Kemudian emelkan butir dalam Garisan Hijau dibawah ke - Linggo2World@gmail.com 
/ Then email your particulars below to - Linggo2World@gmail.com 

===========Tajuk Emel / Subject ==============

Register Translator : (Nama anda/Name
) - Translator ID: ?

==============Kandungan/Email Text========

Translator ID : (alamat EMAIL anda )

Pembayaran pendaftaran melalui? Payment trough? (CIMB? / Maybank? / Paypal? / Publicbank Credit Card?)

Masa dan Tarikh pembayaran dibuat? Time & Date of Payment?
(e.g  2.15 pm , 5/5/2013)

Nama Penuh : (Full Name)
Kelayakan Tertinggi? : (Graduated from?)
Bekerja Sebagai?:  (Current occupation?)
Alamat Facebook?  :  (Your Main Facebook Address?)


1. Your ID may be blacklisted if we find that your conduct has a defective, threatening, or using abusive language, either to our customers or to our staff, even if you have registered.

2. Job Listings can have recurring clients data (this week's data repeated in next month list) to allow all translators the opportunity to reserve. Complaints about this can entitle your ID to be  blacklisted.

3. This is a Part Time job, your wage comes from the jobs you've reserved and completed, there is no guarantee of wage, it can be zero to USD 3,000 per month depending on the Jobs you have.

4. We do not work on Saturdays and Sundays, your ID may be blacklisted if you keep spamming emails to us on Saturdays and Sundays. All reservations made on Saturday and Sunday will be processed on Monday.